Friday, April 12, 2013

Feline Friday

We are in the process of remodeling our kitchen.  My husband has had the window sills out for weeks now and it's just not been setting well with the Feline portion of our family because after all the best birdie and critter watching happens in the window sill!

Mommy to the rescue:

Neela has decided that the kitchen chair may actually serve her better since she's a "well endowed" kitty. I interrupted her outside kitty watching to make her pose for the picture.  But since then, I've been forgiven!


  1. Neela might get along well with my "well endowed" felines :) Maybe hubby can put in wider window sills? Happy Feline Friday!

    1. That's exactly what he has planned! Wider sills will be installed! Neela is super excited!

  2. How funny! You're a good kitty-mom to make sure she has somewhere to sit :)

  3. So sweet of you to look out for her! So cute.

  4. I can't move the couch from in front of the windows or my cats will be very upset with me!
